Your local Green Party for all of Northumberland.
We’re working hard to improve your area
Regularly reporting fly-tipping to make the area clean and safe for local residents.
Northumberland County Council Budget Meeting…..
As always, my speech at the annual budget meeting was short and to the point..
Protecting local trees and encouraging more to be planted. Cleaning up the air.
For the sake of public health and the wellbeing and cohesion of our communities, as well as for sustainability, the emphasis MUST be on improving short-distance travel within those communities, and strengthening local services and amenities so as to reduce the need for longer distance travel.
For the full response Click Here
The Green Party Candidates for the Northumberland County Council Election Seats will be confirmed soon.
The voters in Northumberland will have the opportunity to vote Green in the 2025 Council election.
We are preparing to contest as many seats as possible in the 2025 Local Elections. We will have a group of excellent Candidates in place sometime soon. Watch this space.
If you like to help doing some leafleting please contact us. Click here
by Northumberland Green Party in Cramlington, Northumberland, United Kingdom
The General Election is way overdue, but is finally here: this is our opportunity to turn the page on fourteen years of austerity, chaos and division, and to make a bold statement on our priorities for the future – real hope and real change, so as to ensure a safe environment and a fair society for the next generation.
Unlike the old political parties, Greens don’t have overseas oligarchs, millionaire donors or trades unions to bankroll us – we rely almost completely on the generous donations from private individuals, members and supporters like you.
It costs £500 per candidate to stand in a Westminster election – that means that across the four constituencies in Northumberland we will need to pay £2,000 to ensure that everyone has a Green on the ballot paper.
Latest News
Find out what we’ve been up to, about issues in your area, and see the work we’ve done in the past.
- Local Sewage Spills
- Cramlington Eastfields By-election Results
- Environment Hustings
- Election Fundraising
Upcoming Events
You can get involved to help get Greens elected. A Green Councillor can make a world of difference to your local area.
Our next regular members’ meeting will be held on Saturday 11th May from 2-4pm, at Hexham Community Centre, Gilesgate, Hexham NE46 3NP. If you’re not a member, but interested in joining or knowing more about the Green Party, do please come along: you’ll be made very welcome. The Community Centre is a 5-minute walk from the train station and bus station,, and details of the venue are linked here.
Click here to meet our Officers and Election Candidates
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