2024 Candidate, Blyth & Ashington

Steve Leyland

Hi I’m Steve Leyland.  I’m a semi-retired small business owner, with a background in IT consultancy, systems development, and data integration services.

My involvement in the Green world restarted in 2015 in Blyth Valley, helping to reignite the local party to fight that year’s General Election.  Since then, I’ve stood as the PPC for the Wansbeck constituency in the 2017 and 2019 snap elections, and am now a candidate for the new Blyth & Ashington constituency.

My priorities for representing Blyth & Ashington lie in two primary areas…

Social justice:

Wealth inequality and the cost-of-living crisis is creating significant suffering.  I see the need for sustainable investment in jobs, education, healthcare and welfare, coupled with changes to tax legislation to ensure fairness for all.

The Climate:

Civilisation’s existence is the result of millennia of environmental stability.  The current Climate Crisis demands placing a priority on mitigating and adapting our economy and resource usage, making sustainable choices easier.

These two factors can be brought together to provide sustainable jobs in renewable energies, reducing use of costly imported fossil fuels, improving incomes, and improving UK energy security.

If you would like to contact me please email: Blyth.ashington@votegreen.uk

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