I’ve long been involved in many Green issues, for example I was part of the team who helped stop the proposed opencast coalmine at Druridge Bay. I became an Alnwick Town Councillor in 2013 and have represented Alnwick on Northumberland County Council since May 2021, as one of the first two Green Councillors elected. I’m a Friends of the Earth member, support two community orchards in Alnwick and I am helping develop a Greenway route along a stretch of the former Alnwick to Cornhill railway line. I work as an installer of solar water heating systems and enjoy cycling and dinghy sailing. I love finding ways to reduce my ecological impact on this beautiful and wonderful planet we call Earth, and inspiring others to do likewise.
Speaking out on environmental and social justice issues in County Council meetings has had a discernable and positive effect. Environmental and Climate policies have been strengthened across the Council and social justice issues continue to be pressed. Having Greens in the room has held the Administration to account on numerous occasions including on the declaration of an Ecological Emergency and ensuring that new schools are built to extremely high energy efficiency standards.
As a Town Councillor I’ve persuaded the Council to declare a Climate Emergency and we are working to refresh our Neighbourhood Plan where I lead on Transport. Having Greens in the room helps ensure that the revised Neighbourhood Plan will prominently feature Active Travel, Affordable Housing and Climate & Nature.